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Avonmore Code of Conduct:

The Avonmore Elementary School Code of Conduct contains information related to expected behaviour and possible consequences for misbehaviour. A committee of staff, students and parents will periodically update the Code of Conduct to reflect the school climate.



Students are expected to be dressed in an appropriate manner. Hats, hoods and outerwear are to be removed when entering the building. Inside footwear should be worn in school including running shoes in the gym.

Students are encouraged to eat a healthy snack and get lots of rest so that they are well prepared for a great day of learning. Students are expected to refrain from the use of alcohol, drugs, cigarettes and vaping.

Students are expected to use acceptable language at all times. Swearing, racial comments and homophobic slurs will not be tolerated.


Students are expected to be kind, polite, considerate and respectful to staff, students, and visitors.

Students are expected to interact safely and respectfully on school property and on school-related activities. Conflicts are to be solved using positive words and without physical contact.

Students should know that bullying will not be tolerated at Avonmore Elementary School.

Definition of Bullying: Bullying is typically a form of repeated, persistent and aggressive behavior directed at an individual or individuals that is intended to cause (or should be known to cause) fear and distress and/or harm to another person’s body, feelings, self-esteem or reputation. Bullying occurs in a context where there is a real or perceived power imbalance.

No cell phones (personal technology) at school unless requested by a teacher for educational purposes.


Students are expected to be prepared for class and ready to learn. This includes: regular attendance, arriving on time, completing tasks and homework.

Students are expected to work in the classroom in a manner that supports learning for all. This means being cooperative, respecting the rights, values and opinion of others, taking turns, and listening with an open and positive attitude.


Students are expected to treat the school building, its contents, school material and the property of others with respect.


We follow an approach which educates our students about bullying and character education, as well as how we can all work towards a safe and nurturing environment. Students can make reports of bullying to any trusted adult in the building either verbally or in written format. Every effort will be made to ensure that all reports are addressed in a confidential manner. Our Code of Conduct guides us in our decision-making process for consequences to bullying behavior.


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